Sunday, March 23, 2008



Ron Eklof has sent a haiku.

(Everyone's trying to cheer me up.)

I find no relief
Amid the dead nasturtiums
For dear Ming is gone
They're not dead!


Worthing says - "It's the thought that counts!".

(He's the gentler of the two.)

I say - "Ming has not 'gone' - he's simply absent - temporarily."

In fact - today, he phoned!

(All mobile prisoners are being given the opportunity to call a relative of their choice, free and for three minutes - because it's Easter!)

He says the prison bus is moving randomly around the country like a Cruise Missile - or an Armed Response Unit.

No-one can tell where it's going or where it's been.


At night, it stops in lay-bys. In the morning, it moves on.

Ming's seeing quite a lot of the countryside this way. He says he's 'put in a suggestion' that they try Europe next. The driver's thinking about it.

Time ran out and the phone went dead.

Mrs Rustbridger has been to the police because, she says - I "stole her washing".

Now, whenever she walks past our house, the children shout


from an upstairs window.

(If they catch me laughing - I'll pretend it's because of the man with the giant pumpkin.)



1 comment:

Ron Eklof said...

Glad to provide fodder for the young-uns. Happy Easter, have a pumpkin. Ron