Tuesday, April 8, 2008



Staying in bed today!

* * * * *

Didcott came to my room and asked if he could take Worthing to the allotment so they could count Syllabubs.

I said I didn't think Worthing is likely even to be faintly interested in Syllabubs!

Didcott said, "You never know.".

As it turned out, I didn't.

* * * * *
Had a brief potter round the garden.

Found a bay-tree berry on the path - beside some fallen-over flower-pots.

Mice (or birds) had gnawed (or pecked) away the flesh; leaving a pale brown nut; smooth; tactile.

I looked around - and found more.

Planted them.

They were very light.; maybe they've dried out.

Perhaps they were ones a squirrel didn't want?

Maybe they won't grow.

Interesting though.

I'm calling them 'Bay-corns'.

Back to bed.

* * * * *

Didcott's just called up the stairs. There are nine shoots from seven tubers on the Jerusalem Artichokes at the allotment.
He's putting the kettle on.

* * * * *
Later still:-

Didcott didn't bring tea.

Ming did.

A mug in each hand.

He wanted to know why Didcott wasn't at school.

I fainted.

* * * * *

(No, I didn't. I don't faint. I wish I could have fainted though. It would have been so expressive!)


Anonymous said...

ohh look your leaves are really unfurling now

Esther Montgomery said...

Yes - on the Blackcurrant bush (on the left) too.

There's also a whitecurrant bush, low down, behind the box bushes. I thought it was dead but leaves are beginning to sprout - though - er - you can't see them because they are - er - behind the box bushes - er!


garden girl said...

Oh my, I got tears in my eyes at Ming's return. I hope he's home to stay.

Esther, There's an award for you at my blog today. Since I'm giving the award, I get to make the rules, (I don't like rules anyway,) and there are no strings attached. The award is yours whether or not you choose to pass it along.

Zoë said...

I like the idea of Baycorns, although I am not quite so found of squirrels. We have 5 that visit, sometimes all together, they cause mayhem with the bulbs and eat them faster than I can plant them sometimes. They seem to have a penchant for Fritillaries here.

Esther Montgomery said...

Zoe -

There are a lot of badgers round here. They can't get into my garden because there is a high wall all round.

But I used to live nearby - where they had access to the garden.

I planted fritillaries by mistake (I'd muddled them with Granny's Bonnet (Auilegia Vulgaris) - which was what I was really wanting!

Badgers came in the night and dug up every single one.

It was weird - the ground wasn't turned over - but there were neat holes where the bulbs had been.


merlinprincesse said...

MING? I'm all mixed!!!

merlinprincesse said...

But I'm always mixed and don't always understand when I read English....since French is the language I speak... :)

merlinprincesse said...

I'm a Québécoise Mermaid...

Esther Montgomery said...

Quebecoise Mermaid -

I've just put up the latest 'Post'.

That will (I think) make things (a bit)clearer.


(P.S. Sorry I don't know how to put accents on your name.)

Zoe - same problem with accents!