Saturday, March 15, 2008


Over the last few days, I've been worrying about a nasturtium. There are eggs inside a leaf. If I pluck it, the plant will grow slower. If I don't, the infestation may spread.

I've other worries too:-

1. No more seeds have germinated; possibly because I'm using last year's compost.

2. I can't afford new seed compost in the same week as potting compost - and I need both.

3. Last year, I bought purple flowering chives by mistake. (I wanted white.) Should I use them (simply because I have them) or start again?

(I can't ask Ming. He hasn't grasped the aesthetic of the garden.)

4. Mrs Rustbridger phoned and said she'll be reporting us to the council. (I don't know why.)

But good things are also happening:-

1. Ming has reverted to his familiar age and the children have been ten for more than a week now. It gives a more settled atmosphere to the household.

2. We are thinking of going on holiday. Ming would like to go camping on Purbeck.
(The weather has turned mild and the wind has dropped - but there is almost constant drizzle so, I don't think it'll be possible.)

3. There was a thrush in the Bay Tree when we woke up.

4. The wind moved the clematis to the north side of the wall.

a. Good - I won't need to prune it so harshly.

b. Bad - it's the north side.

Sometimes, gardens are confusing!

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1 comment:

Colleen Franklin said...

"....unlike inter-galactic marriages!"